研究実績の概要 |
In August HS28, the Principal Investigator conducted oversearch research in the British Library, London, and finished one publication on the research subject (Shakespeare, magic, and virtuoso culture). The Principal Investigator also travelled to the Rhine area of Germany and did field research in Cologne, Frankfurt, and other areas on Wordsworth. This research was written up immediately, and published in December HS29. In February HS29, the Principlal Investigator gave an invited plenary lecture on the research subject (Wordsworth, science, and virtuoso culture). Subsequently, the Principle Investigator conducted research at the British Library. Additional publications (beyond the original research plan) included a second book of poetry (already submitted to the publisher), individual poems in peer-reviewed journals, a book chapter on music, and some journalism. Regarding publications, two of the most significant publications completed during HS28 will have HS29 (2017) publication dates, so these will not be listed until next year's report.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
The Principal Investigator will continue to publish journal articles in Japanese university journals. These articles will become the foundation of a future single-author book. Furthermore, the Principal Investigator will continue to follow new research directions opened up by collaboration with other researchers. The writing and publication of creative work (formal poetry) on the research subject has resulted in a contract for a second poetry book. A book chapter on music has led to the possibility of an interdisciplinary and intercultural project related to the research area: a single-author book on poetry, music, and magic.