研究実績の概要 |
During the AY 2017, I focused on fieldwork both in Italy and in Japan. I went to Italy in late August-early September and in March, whereas I went to fieldwork in Japan in February, August and September. As for Italy, I met several exorcists and continued participant observation as a helper during Roman Catholic exorcisms in Central Italy. I started a collaboration with the possessed woman I have followed in these years, with the purpose of publishing a book together. I also collaborated for the realization of a documentary (NHK) on Catholic exorcism in Italy. At the moment, I am confident that I have enough data about the exorcists' side, on the "structural" aspects of exorcism and on the intersections and collaborations with psychiatrists. I also gathered more data on possessed people's experiences. As for Japan, I continued my fieldwork in Kenmi Jinja (Tokushima Pref). The fieldwork has given very good results both about (inugami) possession and ritual healing. I also continued bibliographic and archival research both in Italy and in Japan. I started publishing research results. An article was published as part of a special issue of the Japanese Review of Cultural Anthropology that I co-edited, and two book chapters as well as one Journal article are currently under review. I also gave a number of presentations at International Conferences, as well as at an International Workshop that I co-organized in Ritsumeikan University (January 2018).