研究実績の概要 |
In the year of 2017 I finalized the analysis of collected data from China in the year of 2016. In addition, as previously planned, I conducted two additional online surveys in the United States and Germany so that I would be able to compare the results from Japan and Mainland China with other countries having different economic, social and cultural environment. The main reason of selecting these countries was that each of them considerably differs in the ways of enforcing copyrights, the success of those strategies and the development of online markets for authorised copies of copyrighted works. As the year of 2017 was the final year of this project, based upon the results obtained from the previously conducted surveys, I identified the conditions and factors which affects the consumers' consumption of copyrighted works and their attitudes towards various restrictions on using copyrighted works. The collected data shows considerable differences between individual countries. For instance, contrary to other countries, the German respondents tended to clearly express their acceptance of, or objections against, any restrictions of their uses of copyrighted works in absolute terms. Further, the respondents from the countries with more developed online markets, i.e. especially from the United States, inclined to be more sensitive towards the restrictions on using digital copies of copyrighted works downloaded from authorized online services.