The main goals of the project was to pursue investigations of the initial mass function using combination of spectroscopic data as well as weak gravitational lensing from the Hyper Suprime Cam survey. The spectroscopic indices as indicated in the previous report have been thought to be unreliable and therefore more focus was given to the weak lensing aspects of this research project. Accordingly I am urrently working on the weak lensing results from the Hyper-Suprime Cam survey. I have developed the weak lensing pipeline to measure the weak lensing signals and to help test for systematics as proposed in the original plan. I have also helped the software team further test a new parameter important for quantifying the blendedness of galaxies (this would be important to measure weak lensing signals at small separation from the foreground lens galaxies).The back up project to obtain constraints on the initial mass function using data from CFHTLens and CMASS galaxies was published in Jun 2015. This project was a pilot project to test how weak lensing signal from scales from HSC can be used to constrain the stellar masses of CMASS galaxies. The resulting constraints were already sensitive to rule out some measurement of stellar masses based on stellar population synthesis models. This project will now be attempted with the data from HSC.As reported last year, the investigation of halo assembly bias and the splashback radius of galaxy clusters was one of the unexpected outcomes while exploring this project. I continued investigation onthis topic with separate research grant.
All of the papers were posted online to the community peer reviewwebsite www.arxiv.org
すべて 2017 2016 その他
すべて 国際共同研究 (2件) 雑誌論文 (7件) (うち国際共著 7件、 査読あり 7件) 学会発表 (2件) (うち国際学会 2件)
巻: 465 ページ: 4853-4865
巻: 465 ページ: 2411-2419
巻: 835 ページ: L25
巻: 825 ページ: 39
巻: 68 ページ: 38
巻: 457 ページ: 3200-3218
巻: 821 ページ: 123