研究実績の概要 |
We focussed on development of Ti guides during FY2015.Our preliminary plans was to use NiMo alloy as coating, but we had to change when the coating maker changed status (he stopped academic researches). As a result, we decided to go to Nickel Phosphorus (NiP) alloy coating, which has the same properties and can be produced in Japan. Cooling tests on flat samples were performed and have shown the same results as tests with NiMo. We are now preparing samples to characterize this new material with Cold Neutron reflectometry. Beamtime was requested (and approved) at J-PARC (Tokai, Japan) and will happen in next June. The KEK-RCNP-TRIUMF UCN source will not be ready for guide tests, so we had to require beamtime to other institution. Our first option was ILL (Grenoble, France) where they have a magnet we can use for the test. But the magnet has been moved to PSI (Villigen, Switzerland). We applied for beamtime in this institution, and we succeeded. Nevertheless, the magnet cannot be operated when they are performing another experiment, so it is not clear if we will be able to have data taking this summer yet. Nevertheless, the Ti guide was successfully produced.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
3: やや遅れている
We consider the initial schedule is slightly delayed in a way that we had to change coating, and so perform new tests and apply to new beamtime to characterize this material. But we succeeded and obtained beamtimes. Furthermore, the fact the magnet for the test has changed institution (see the summary section) can induce a delay in the data taking for this FY. We will do our best in order to avoid this.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
The planning for the future work is the following: - April to summer 2016: finish the preparation of the Ti guide (design and fabrication of vacuum flanges and so on). May 2016: finish the fabrication of samples for the June experiment. June 2016: beamtime (approved at J-PARC) to characterize the Fermi Potential of NiP samples - Summer 2016: beamtime (approved at PSI) to measure the depolarization per bounce of the UCN on NiP. If the measurement cannot be performed this summer (see the summary section), we will try to measure during the winter or ask for beamtime in an other facility in the US. - fall/winter 2016: data analysis, data taking if not possible during the summer - spring 2017: writing paper, show results in conferences