すべて 2006 2005 2004 その他
すべて 雑誌論文 (73件) 図書 (2件)
Proceedings of International Symposium on Forest Ecology, Hydrometeorology and Forest Ecosystem Rehabilitation in Sarawak
ページ: 109-112
Tree Physiology 26・7
ページ: 865-873
水文・水資源学 会誌 19・2
Journal of Geophysical Research -Atmospheres
Journal of Vegetation Science
Proceedings of the 27th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (CD-ROM)
ページ: 163-166
日本林学会関東支部会論文集 57
ページ: 109-111
Journal of Geophysical Research -Atmospheres 111
ページ: D10107,doi:10.1029/2005JD006676
Journal of Hydrology 329(1-2)
ページ: 329-349
Forest Ecology and Management 229 (1-3)
ページ: 333-339
Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 111, D10107, doi:10.1029/2005JD006676
Forest Ecology and Management 229(1-3)
Tree Physiology. 26
The Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation. Tropical Biology : Meeting the needs of changing tropical ecosystems Abstracts
ページ: 135
Proceedings of the 27th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (CDROM)
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 128(1-2)
ページ: 81-92
Journal of Tropical Ecology 21(2)
ページ: 237-241
PROCEEDINGS of 1st international Symposium of 21st Century COEProgram "Satellite Ecology"
ページ: 25-32
Proceedings of the 26th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (CD-ROM)
日本写真 測量学会平成17年度秋季学術講演会発表論文集
ページ: 53-56
Trees 19・6
ページ: 703-710
Journal of Tropical Ecology 21・2
Trees -Structure and Function 19・6
森林科学 45
ページ: 18-24
Journal of Tropical Ecology 21
ページ: 215-218
Journal of Forest Research 9
ページ: 293-298
Forest Ecology and Management 208
ページ: 237-248
ページ: 389-396
森林科学 43
ページ: 68-72
Hydrological Processes 19(1)
ページ: 339-347
Journal of Agricultural Meteorology 60(5)
ページ: 553-556
Trees. 19
Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 51(4)
ページ: 525-533
Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 51(3)
ページ: 369-377
Proceedings of International Workshop on "The Landscape Level Rehabilitation of Degraded Tropical Forests".
ページ: 97-105
ページ: 107-114
Journal of Tropical Ecology. Vol.21 No.2
Proceedings of International Symposium on forest ecology, hydrometeorogy and forest ecosystem rehabilitation in Sarawak.
ページ: 182-187
Proceedings of the 26th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (CDROM)
PROCEEDINGS of 1st international Symposium of 21st Century COE Program "Satellite Ecology"
Proceedings of the 25th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing
ページ: 704-707
ページ: 141-142
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing Vol. 35,Part B
ページ: 826-829
ページ: 239-242
Proceedings of the 1st EAFES International Congress
ページ: 170-171
Studying Forest Canopies from Above : The International Canopy Crane Network
ページ: 120-125
Advances in Water Resources 27(12)
ページ: 1135-1150
Water Resources Research 40(1)
ページ: W01104
Journal of Hydrology 287(1-4)
ページ: 237-251
Tree Physiology 24
ページ: 1187-1192
Journal of Tropical Ecology 20(6)
ページ: 679-700
Global carbon cycle and related mapping based on Satellite imagery
ページ: 453-472
Water Resources Research 40(1), W01104, 10.1029/2003WR002226
ページ: 697-700
Tree Physiology. 24(10)
Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 50(5)
ページ: 747-753
Proceedings of International Workshop on "The Landscape Level Rehabilitation of Degraded Tropical Forests" 89-98
Molecular Ecology 3575-3584
Hydrological processes 18
ページ: 2455-2474
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Science Vol. XXXV, Part B
American Journal of Botany. (In Press)