すべて 2007 2006 2005 2004 その他
すべて 雑誌論文 (80件) 図書 (4件)
ページ: 3-36
ページ: 37-86
Scientific Approaches to Language(神田外語大学・言語科学研究センター紀要) 6
ページ: 129-162
JELS(日本英語学会) 24
ページ: 61-70
Phrasal and Clausal Architecture : Syntactic Derivation and Interpretation. (Simin Karimi, Vida Samiian and Wendy K. Wilkins eds.) (Amsterdam, the Netherlands : John Benjamins Publishing Company.)
ページ: 62-99
Scientific Approaches to Language 6
ページ: 13-38
ページ: 23-30
ページ: 1-22
A study of English language teacher education for young learners in Japan.[Research Report]. Grant-in-aid for scientific research (B)(Kobayashi, M. (Ed.), )(Kanda University of International Studies) (2)
A study of English language teacher education for young learners in Japan.[Research Report]. Grant-in-aid for scientific research (B) (Kobayashi, M.(Ed.))(Kanda University of International Studies) (2)
Scientific Approaches to Language. Center for Language Sciences, Kanda University of International Studies. 6
JELS.(The English Linguistic Society of Japan.) 24
Phrasal and Clausal Architecture : Syntactic Derivation and Interpretation. (Amsterdam, the Netherlands : John Benjamins Publishing Company)
Vocabulary Learning and Reading : Psycholinguistic and corpuslinguistic approaches. [Research Report]. Grant-in-aid for scientific research (B) (K.Fukaya (Ed.))(St, Luke's College of Nursing
Vocabulary Learning and Reading : Psycholinguistic and corpuslinguistic approaches.[Research Report]. Grant-in-aid for scientific research (B)(K.Fukaya (Ed.))(St, Luke's College of Nursing.)
平成17年度 日本学術振興会 科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(基盤研究(B))研究報告書 早期英語教育の指導者養成及び 研修の実態と将来像に関する総合的研究
ページ: 3-44
言語科学研究(神田外語大学大学院紀要) 12
ページ: 93-109
Studies in Linguistics and Language Teaching(言語教育研究)(神田外語大学言語教育研究所紀要) 16
ページ: 275-295
Perspectives on teaching connected speech to second language speakers. (J.D. Brown and K. Kondo-Brown eds.) (Honolulu, HI : University of Hawaii, Second Language Teaching & Curriculum Center.)
ページ: 165-183
Scientific Approaches to Language(神田外語大学・言語科学研究センター紀要) 5
ページ: 1-8
ページ: 127-147
ページ: 453-470
Tsuda Journal of Language and Culture 21
ページ: 80-92
聖路加看護大学紀要 32
ページ: 11-19
神田外語大学大学院紀要 12
ページ: 1-26
Living and Breathing English.(Tokyo : Kenkyusha.)
A study of English language teacher education for young learners in Japan.[Research Report]. Grant-in-aid for scientific research (B) (Kobayashi, M. (Ed.))(Kanda University of International Studies) (2)
Studies in Language Sciences. Graduate School of Language Sciences, Kanda University of International Studies. 12
Studies in Linguistics and Language Teaching. Research Institute of Language Studies and Language Education. 16
Perspectives on teaching connected speech to second language speakers. (J.D.Brown, K.Kondo-Brown eds.)(Honolulu, HI : University of Hawaii, Second Language Teaching & Curriculum Center)
Scientific Approaches to Language. Center for Language Sciences, Kanda University of International Studies. 5
Scientific Approaches to Language. (Center for Language Sciences, Kanda University of International Studies) 5
The Journal of St. Luke's College of Nursing 32
TOEFL Test Reading mondai. (Revised edition) (Tokyo : Oobunsha.) 270
TOEFL Test ITP(Dantaijuken.) Reading kanzen-kooryaku. (Revised edition)(Tokyo : Aruku.)
Language Assessment Quarterly. 2・4
ページ: 321-325
平成16年度 日本学術振興会 科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(基盤研究(B)(2))研究報告書「テクスト理解と学習」
ページ: 89-104
Scientific Approaches to Language(神田外語大学言語科学研究センター紀要) 4号
ページ: 155-171
平成16年度 日本学術振興会 科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(基盤研究(B))研究報告書「早期英語教育の指導者養成及び研修の実態と将来像に関する総合的研究」
The Blackwell Companion to Syntax, Vol 2. (Martin Everaert and Henk Van Riemsdijk (eds.)) (Blackwell Publishing)
ページ: 493-543
Scientific Approaches to Language(神田外語大学・言語科学研究センター紀要) 4
ページ: 33-80
ページ: 55-72
平成16年度 日本学術振興会 科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(基盤研究(B))研究報告書 「早期英語教育の指導者養成及び研修の実態と将来像に関する総合的研究」
ページ: 11-27
International Conference on Task-Based Language Teaching Proceedings
ページ: 1-9
Handbook of Japanese Psycholinguistics. (In M. Nakayama, R. Mazuka, & Y. Shirai (Eds.)) (Cambridge University Press)
ページ: 173-178
ページ: 1-14
平成16年度 日本学術振興会 科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(基盤研究(B))研究報告書「心理言語学およびコーパス言語学的アプローチによる英文読解中心の語彙習得研究」
ページ: 30-51
ページ: 41-54
ページ: 27-40
平成16年度 日本学術振興会 科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(基盤研究(B)(2)研究報告書「テクスト理解と学習」
ページ: 15-26
Studies in Linguistics and Language Teaching(神田外語大学言語教育研究所紀要) 16
ページ: 75-98
Language Assessment Quarterly 2.4
Text Understanding and Learning. Kanda University of International Studies. [Research Report]. Grant-in-aid for scientific research (B) (2)
Scientific Approaches to Language. Center for Language Sciences, Kanda University of International Studies. 4
A study of English language teacher education for young learners in Japan. [Research Report]. Grant-in-aid for scientific research (B)(Kobayashi, M. (Ed.))(Kanda University of International Studies) (2)
The Blackwell Companion to Syntax. (Blackwell Publishing.) Vol 2
Scientific Approaches to Language. (Center for Language Sciences, Kanda University of International Studies) 4
Text Understanding and Learning. [Research Report]. Grant-in-aid for scientific research (B) (Kanda University of International Studies.) (2)
A study of English language teacher education for young learners in Japan. [Research Report]. Grant-in-aid for scientific research (B)(Kobayashi, M.(Ed.))(Kanda University of International Studies) (2)
Handbook of Japanese Psycholinguistics(M.Nakayama, R.Mazuka, Y.Shirai (Eds.))(Cambridge University Press)
Text Understanding and Learning.[Research Report]. Grant-in-aid for scientific research (B) (Y.Horiba (Ed.))(Kanda University of International Studies.) (2)
Vocabulary Learning and Reading : Psycholinguistic and corpuslinguistic approaches. [Research Report]. Grant-in-aid for scientific research (B)(K.Fukaya (Ed.)(St, Luke' s College of Nursing.)
Text Understanding and Learning. [Research Report]. Grant-in-aid for scientific research (B) (Y.Horiba (Ed.))(Kanda University of International Studies.) (2)
Studies in Linguistics and Language Teaching. Research Institute of Language Studies and Language Education, Kanda University of International Studies. 16
TOEFL Test kanzen-kooryaku iBT taioo. (Revised edition) (Tokyo : Aruku.)
Language Testing 21
ページ: 235-244
Proceedings for the JALT Pan-SIG conference.
ページ: 59-68
Proceedings of the Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics 1
ページ: 300-314
英語教育(大修館書店) 53・3
ページ: 8-10
Proceedings for the JALT Pan-SIG conference
Nakajima Heizoo sensei kanreki kinen ronbunshuu. (Hitsuji shoboo.)
The English Teachers 'Magazine.(Tokyo : Taishukan.) 53(3)