すべて 2005 2004 その他
すべて 雑誌論文 (33件) (うち査読あり 2件) 図書 (3件)
Proceedings of Czech-Japanese Seminar in Applied Mathematics 2004, Czech Technical University in Prague, ISBN 80-01-03181-0 (M.Benes, J.Mikyska, T.Oberhuber(eds.)) (CD-ROM.)
ページ: 184-194
バイオニクス 2巻1号
ページ: 28-32
Numerische Mathematik.(www.interscience.wiley.com) DOI:10.1007/s00211-005-0589-2 (Published online in Spriger) (in press)
ページ: 543-544
Proceedings of Czech-Japanese Seminar in Applied Mathematics 2004, Czech Technical University in Prague, ISBN 80-01-03181-0 (M.Benes, J.Mikyska, T.Oberhuber (eds.)) (CD-ROM)
ページ: 139-147
GAKUTO International Series, Mathematical Sciences and Applications Vol.20
ページ: 277-288
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Japan 53
ページ: 95-102
Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications (M.Feistauer, V.Dolejsi, P.Knobloch, K.Najzar Editors) (Springer)
ページ: 806-814
Proceedings of 4th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, vol 2, ISBN951-39-1869-6 (P.Neittaanmaki, T.Rossi, S.Korotov, E.Onate, J.Periaux, and D.Knorzer (eds.)) (CD-ROM)
ページ: 15
Nonlinear Analysis, Series A 5
ページ: 645-665
Publ.RIMS, Kyoto Univ. 40
ページ: 1413-1431
Langmuir 20・4
ページ: 1126-1129
Phys.Fluids 16・6
ページ: 1908-1914
Physics Letters A 325巻5-6号
ページ: 334-339
Journal of Logistics and Informatics Vol.1, No.1
ページ: 39-47
ページ: 17-26
Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics Vol.21, No.2
ページ: 219-236
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 62
ページ: 1807-1831
Indiana Univ.Math.J. 53
ページ: 483-514
Math.Methods.in Appl.Sciences 27
ページ: 1771-1782
Abstract and Applied Analysis 8
ページ: 651-682
Pure Mathematics Math.Soc.Japan (eds.T.Funaki and H.Osada) 39
ページ: 213-232
Applied Mathematics Entering the 21st Century SIAM (Eds.M.Hill and R.Moore)
ページ: 121-138
Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics Vol.21, No.3
ページ: 405-424
ページ: 12
ページ: 14
Nonlinear Analysis, Series B (be pressed)
J.Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Series A (to appear)
Future Generation Computer Systems. (to appear)
Computational Fluid Dynamics 2004, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computational Fluid Mechanics. (to appear)
数理解析研究所講究録 (to appear)
Nonlinear Analysis (to appear)