すべて 2006 2005 2004
すべて 雑誌論文 (26件)
Disaster Mitigation of Debris Flows Slpe Failures and Landslides Vol 2. Proceeding of the INTERPRAEVENT International Symposium
ページ: 605-615
Disaster Mitigation of Debris Flows Slpe Failures and Landslides Vol 2. Proceeding of the INTERPRAEVENT International Symposium September 25-29, 2006 in Niigata, Japan(Marui, H.et al.(ed) )
Geomorphology Vol. 65
ページ: 15-31
Engineering Geology Vol.81
ページ: 419-431
ページ: 432-445
Landslides-Risk Analysis and sustainable Disaster Management (Springer)
ページ: 181-185
Monitoring, Prediction and Mitigation of Water-Related Disasteres MPMD-2005
ページ: 501-506
International Symposium Landslide Hazard in Orogenic Zone from the Himalaya to Island Arcs in Asia. September 25-26, 2005, Kathmandu, Nepal.Proceeding
ページ: 83-91
Engineering Geology 81
Landslides-Risk Analysis and sustainable Disaster Management-(Springer)
Monitoring, Prediction and Mitigation of Water-Related Disasteres(K.Takara, Y.Tachikawa, NMNS Bandara Nawarathna (eds.)) MPMD-2005
Landslides vol.1
ページ: 73-81
Bull. Geol.Soc. Hongkong
ページ: 99-105
日本地すべり学会誌 第43号
ページ: 50-56
ページ: 207-212
ページ: 249-254
Engineering Geology v.75
ページ: 309-324
Landslides v.1, no.4
ページ: 299-303
Landslides v.1
Engineering Geology V.75
Landslides vol.1, no.4
Journal of Japan Landslide Society Vol 41