研究実績の概要 |
During the previous fiscal year, a preliminary draft of our paper was completed. Our paper is entitled “Local Violence, Market Transactions and Living Standard: Disruptive Impact of the Mexican Drug War, 2000-2012”, which has been presented in several conferences and seminars including those of the Singapore Economic Review, the Asian and Australasian Society of Labour Economics, the Middle East Economic Association, the National Autonomous University of Mexico, the Iberoamericana University, and the University of Tokyo.
After completing the draft, we spent a couple of months compiling an election-results dataset for the period 1998-2012. This newly compiled dataset constitutes the instrumental variable that is used in our study to address the issue of endogeneity between detentions or homicide rate and economic activity in Mexico. We carried out the new IV regressions and obtained the related results. Additionally, by using an additional dataset provided in Dell (2015), we also carried out regression-discontinuity (RD) analysis, which shows new unbiased, interesting results that will be used to revise our manuscript shortly.
Moreover, it should be noted that a previous research paper entitled “Growth, Inequality and Poverty Dynamics in Mexico” was also substantially revised based on the comments and suggestions received from Latin American Economic Review (LAER) referees. The revision of the paper was just completed at the end of March 2018, and it will be resubmitted to LAER shortly by the appointed deadline.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
Our preliminary draft incorporates OLS results of the impact of detentions on labor market outcomes, employment and occupational structures, consumption, and fiscal capacity. We are about to revise our manuscript based on the new IV and RD results.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
After revising out manuscript, we are planning to submit it to a peer-reviewed journal to be considered for publication. Additionally, our paper has been accepted for presentation at the 5th Conference of the International Association of Applied Econometrics (IAAE 2018) to be held in Montreal, Canada, from June 26 to 29.We have confirmed our attendance to IAAE 2018 and will present our revised manuscript there.
Moreover, we have also started working on a second study related to the impact of the minimum wage on employment, wages and poverty in Mexico. Our study is at a very early stage, but we are planning to make substantial progress during the new fiscal year by presenting our work in various research outlets and completing a preliminary draft by the end of my JSPS fellowship.