研究実績の概要 |
We have been investigating the roles of various signaling molecules in mitigation of abiotic stresses, including salinity and heavy metal stress. Below is the summary of our achievements in the last 6 months:
1.We have finished the quantifications of arsenic (As) and the levels of various micronutrients (Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, and Zn) in the roots and shoots of As-treated WT and strigolactone (SL)-deficient mutants d10 and d17 using ICP-MS. Results suggest that SL-deficient mutants accumulate more As, especially in the roots compared with WT. 2.We have determined various biochemical parameters linked to oxidative stress, membrane integrity loos, photosynthesis, non-enzymatic and enzymatic antioxidants in As-exposed WT and SL -deficient mutants. Our results imply that SL-mutant plants are more compromised at biochemical levels to fight against As-toxicity in comparison with WT. 3.We have accomplished qRT PCR of several genes involved in antioxidant system. As uptake and transportation and glutathione metabolism. Data suggest that As stress significantly upregulated the transcripts of most of the studied genes in WT plants when compared with mutant plants. 4.Meanwhile, we have published a review article entitled “Methylglyoxal-a signaling molecule in plant abiotic stress responses. 5.To get an in-depth idea on SL and abiotic stress responses, we have developed a review article on “Strigolactones in plant adaptation to abiotic stresses-an emerging avenue of plant research”, which has been submitted to Plant, Cell & Environment, and currently under minor revision.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
1.Currently, we are investigating phytohormone profiles of WT and SL-deficient mutants subjected to As stress to get a complete scenario on how SLs interact with other phytohormones in presence and absence of abiotic stress like As-toxicity. 2.Lipidomics at the root levels of As-exposed WT and SL-mutants are under investigation. 3.We are also checking the roles of novel hydrogen sulfide donors GY4137, AP39 and AP 123 in rice growth and development. 4.We are also investigating the crosstalk of SL with karrikins in plant responses to salt stress using SL and karrikin signaling mutants of Arabidopsis. 5.Data obtained on physiological, biochemical and molecular attributes from the project SL and As-toxicity are currently under analyses.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
To get an in-depth understanding on how SLs modulate rice tolerance to arsenic at the biochemical and molecular levels, we planned to carry out the following experiments in this fiscal year. Transcriptomics: By taking the advantages of RNA sequencing technology, we plan to identify patterns of gene expression and metabolic response in WT and SL-mutants exposed to As-stress. Metabolomics: A comprehensive metabolite profiling in WT and SL-biosynthetic mutants will be carried out using GC-MS, LC-MS and lipid-LC-MS Phytohormone profiling: To get a complete picture on how SLs act coordinately with other phytohormones under As stress condition, the levels of various phytohormones will be measured as previously described (Kojima et al. 2009). Manuscript preparation and submission: The obtained results from various physiological, biochemical and molecular investigations will be analyzed and summarized, and the manuscript(s) will be drafted for possible publications in international journals.