研究実績の概要 |
The goal of this project in philosophy of science is to develop a philosophical approach of scientific instruments, especially those in neuroscience. In the classical framework, scientific thought, concepts, and theories, are the main objects of science, and scientific instruments are only tools for doing research, to prove theories, check empirically new concepts, and so on. A tool is determined by its function in a specific context of use and in this sense it is neutral regarding theories and concepts. Here we are trying to integrate recent approaches from different fields that are challenging this common view. First, we analyzed the extended cognition approach in cognitive science. This approach attempts to understand cognition in a broader context as interaction of mental elements with material ones. Second, we launched investigations in philosophy of technology. This approach conceives tools as essential constituents of human activity. In both approaches, tools are not mere means, but are fundamental elements impacting the nature and the evolution of the cognitive system. We confronted these two approaches to the more classical view of philosophy of science in order to understand how tools and theories interact, how scientists think with tools, and how tools of scientific research can impact the course of science. The first period of this project starting from September was mainly dedicated to theoretical developments, but we had also the opportunity to begin the fieldwork through interviews of scientists and visits in several laboratories.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
This project combines a philosophical approach with devoted to theoretical developments (planned in the first period) and a fieldwork through interviews with Japanese scientists (planned in the second period). For practical reasons, some of the fieldwork has already been conducted in the first period, and the theoretical work will be pursued in the next period. For the publication list you can put the following two references. Those are book chapters so I do not know if it should fit in articles or books: “Les instruments scientifiques comme objets epistemologiques”, in A quoi servent les instruments scientifiques, Jerome Fatet Ed., December 2016, Presses Universitaires de Limoges, pp.17-38. “L'innovation technologique en neurosciences”, in L’innovation en eaux troubles: sciences, techniques, ideologie, Ivan Sainsaulieu & Arnaud Saint-Martin Eds., March 2017, Editions du Croquant, pp.167-188.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
During the following period, we will analyze how neuroscientists in Japan are making choices related to tool-development and tool-use during their research. The choice of a technology is not a neutral means to an end, but a general engagement in a specific direction. How does this relation to technology shape the course of science?