研究実績の概要 |
Evidence suggest that land reform is practically infeasible in land scarce developing country like Bangladesh and in such a context different institutions based on tenurial transactions are being evolved for the efficiency and equity reason. Following an integrated approach, we aim to investigate the efficiency effects of land tenancy contracts, land transactions, land tenant security and effects on land distribution between land abundant and land scarce households. Under this broader objective, the research project titled `Efficiency and equity effects on land tenancy market: Evidence from a long-term panel in Bangladesh` investigates a couple of research questions that might have implications for tenancy market, credit market, agro-machineries market, and also agro-products market in Bangladesh. Availability of four decades` long nationally representative household panel data (19888, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2014), known as Mahabub Hossain (MH) dataset in Bangladesh, helps us to investigate those research questions in the historical context. Research proposal has been discussed in the Regional Environment Economics Seminar at Kyoto University. Data management works are in progress which will lead to empirical analyses and writing the paper. A number of papers initiated in the University of Tokyo and BRAC are now at advanced stage for academic journals: 1. Agricultural Microcredit for Tenant Farmers: Evidence from a field Experiment in Bangladesh. Hossain M, Malek MA, Hossain MA, Reza MH and Ahmed MS. Under second revision for `American Journal of Agricultural Economics.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
3: やや遅れている
The research project titled `Efficiency and equity effects on land tenancy market: Evidence from a long-term panel in Bangladesh` was not at his initial JSPS research plan, but it was initiated at Oct 2017 when Malek moved to Kyoto University from the University of Tokyo. The new project requires additional theoretical, methodological and data analyses skills that require quite sometimes. Apart from that, the projects that Malek started at the University of Tokyo and other academic works also take sometimes- all these contributed to make slightly delayed in his main research project at Kyoto University.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
We use longitudinal sample surveys conducted by BIDS, IRRI and BRAC led by the late Mahabub Hossain (MH), hereafter it is named as MH data. The survey collected detail information on multiple aspects of rural economy and livelihoods, including resource endowments, farm and nonfarm activities, income and expenditure, employment, commodity prices, poverty, gender, and government welfare programs. The survey was initially conducted in 1987-88 by BIDS and latter resurveyed in 2000 (IRRI), 2004 (IRRI), 2008 (BRAC) and 2014 (BRAC). In the latter round, attrition issue has been addressed by adding off-shots and adding new sample following multi-stage random sampling. Though we have different samples in different rounds (1988:892, 2000: 1732, 2004: 1854, 2008: 2010 and 2014:2846) we would have a common panel for about 900 households which were surveyed in all five survey years. A research assistant and Intern are helping to prepare the dataset. With those, Malek plans to integrate the dataset by June and complete first round analyses by July. Then, he likes to complete write-up for the paper, present the paper in a number of places including one in Bangladesh, and publish a working paper by September 2018.