研究実績の概要 |
The research supported by JSPS went quite well with the proposal. So far, we have examined numerous 2D materials for in-situ measurements (heating and cooling) and explored their physical properties. Heating the sample can clean up contamination for accurate data collection. Most novel 2D materials show interesting behaviors. For instance, we have observed an interlayer fusion mechanism in layered PdSe2 as triggered by Se vacancy, unusual supercell reconstruction of bilayer NbS2 grown epitaxially on hBN layers and distinct fine structures of carbon K edges in electron energy loss spectra (EELS) from individual carbon atom in an amorphous carbon monolayer. Most of these results are currently being reviewed under high impact journals or being written up as a manuscript. Moreover, we have expanded the in-situ techniques to other material systems. For instance, using the cooling holder, we are able to directly correlate the bandgap value through valence loss EELS with the size and shape of an individual quantum object, and discovered that the quantum confinement effect is deviated between individual NCs and NC ensemble.
We have also achieved preliminary results on new sample fabrication method for in-situ measurements. Now the improved dry transfer method is compatible with water-sensitive materials, which greatly expand the materials that can be used for in-situ study.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
We have achieved the required data for the designated goal in the first phase of the supported period as proposed. We have published two first-authored papers in this subject with the acknowledgement from the JSPS financial support, one under review, and more than five co-authored papers that is either published or under review. A new optical microscope with 3D alignment stage is purchased and is ready to construct complicated sample patterns for 2D materials. We expected new results will come out soon by using the new stage to fabricate complicated 2D heterostructure for in-situ measurements, which matched with the path way in the second phase of the proposal.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
1. Continue to collaborate with the synthesizing group to find suitable 2D materials for in-situ study. Meanwhile, continue the research on exploring the physical properties on novel 2D materials by existing techniques, such as high resolution STEM and EELS spectroscopy. 2. Develop the in-situ fabrication method by more precise control in the transfer process. A new optical microscope with 3D alignment stage is purchased and is ready to construct complicated sample patterns for 2D materials. We will first try to transfer a target monolayer sample in a pre-patterned TEM grid with electrical contact. 3. Investigate the possibility for in-situ monochromatic EELS in 2D materials. 4. Expand the high resolution imaging and EELS technique to more practical materials that also suitable for in-situ study, like pervoskite quantum dots and thin film.