研究実績の概要 |
Acquiring full set of data enabled linking data and garnered further cleaning. It also allowed performing data analysis (OLS, panel, bivariate regression) using STATA on merged dataset(s); several datasets were constructed to allow testing various alternative models. This included collaborating with a research assistant (WP3). Preliminary write-ups of several analysis were completed, enabling preparation of project’s results dissemination (WP6). Conferences were visited including ICMIT as well as conferences organized by AUTM and OECD. Benefit of conferences were also (9) interviews conducted during them, with some of the top TT practitioners (heads or management of IP offices such as Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Stanford, etc.) as well as top OECD STI and EPO experts. Interviews were also conducted with top TT experts in Japan (11) at various major universities and TTO’s (TODAI, KANSAI, Osaka etc.). Also during ICMIT visit additional consulting with colleagues was done. All interview transcripts were coded using MAXQDA software. Interviews serve to gather new data (WP2), construct and validate models (WP1&4) and disseminate results (WP6) as usually a presentation of own research results was scheduled at the beginning of the interviews (e.g. at KANSAI, TODAI). Discussions were also held at workshops, e.g. the prof. Watanabe workshop at Tokyo University, which included a presentation by Modic.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
Analysis will be finished and models validated. This will end in models’ finalization (WP4) and will be connected to the methodology development (WP5). Identified analysis dilemmas (including, but not limited to, i. additional data conflict resolution, ii. deciding on the usability of the negative network ties approach and panel regression considerations; iii. Utilization on various quality indicators; primarily centred on the compilation of indicators by OECD STI), will be resolved and analysis approach further honed. Also the work utilizing network analysis, especially ego-networks, will be done, as an alternative approach to discerning individual level factors (i.e. role of PIs and their network ties based on patenting and transfer activities). Bottlenecks will be identified and further elaborated on, also in connection to validating the effect of joined patents and the lack of longitudinal university start up data. This identification is the backbone for results’ dissemination (WP6) and policy suggestions (WP5). Researchers prepare further articles and papers to disseminate results (WP6) and also join in discussions at various events both at the home university and beyond. Additional discussions will be made with further TT and patent experts, inter alia connected to the joined patents. The latter will also ensure proper control of quality (WP7) of the performed analysis and gathered results, via subjecting to peer-review. To allow for coordination (WP7) researchers will continue to meet.