研究実績の概要 |
During this period, Mohamed Kefi obtained interesting results, which help him to publish articles and to participate in some international conferences. He finalized to set up the approach applied. The methodology was based on the integration of three main components of flood risk assessment namely hazard, exposure and vulnerability in Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The main results were to assess direct flood damage and to identify spatial distribution of flood damage in current and future situation. He concentrated on data analysis and the assessment of direct flood damage in 5 cities namely Hanoi, Manila, Jakarta, Chennai and Lucknow under the effect of climate and land use change. Additionally, it was concluded that the impacts of climate change and rapid urbanization may affect the level of flood loss. A high degree of urbanization and the property value of assets may conduct to high flood damage assessment. Moreover, the quantification of flood damage can be an important indicator to enhance the awareness of local decision-makers on improving the efficiency of regional flood risk reduction strategies. During this period, he also participated in 05 consultation workshops with local stakeholders and researchers organized in target cities of Water and Urban Initiative Project (WUI): Hanoi, Jakarta, Manila, Chennai and Lucknow. It was an opportunity for him to discuss with potential recipients of his findings. The budget allocated was mainly used for getting equipments and travel for field survey and conferences attendance.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
1: 当初の計画以上に進展している
During this fiscal year, Dr. Mohamed Kefi was able to obtain interesting results which let him to publish papers and to present the outcomes of his analysis in international conferences and to disseminate his key finding to local stakeholders in target cities of WUI project. Indeed, he finalized the spatial analysis approach to estimate flood damage and he obtained significant outcomes in 5 cities namely Hanoi, Manila, Jakarta, Chennai and Lucknow. He got results about flood damage with and without mitigations. He generated flood risk maps and he raised relevant recommendations which can be useful to enhance awareness of local decision makers and to implement strategies. He presented his findings in 05 International conferences in (1) Hokkaido, Japan ; (2) Leeds, UK ; (3) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ; (4) Manila, Philippines and (5) Brasilia, Brazil. He has also the opportunity to present key findings of his work related to flood damage risk assessment during consultation workshops organized by the Water and Urban Initiative (WUI) project in Hanoi, Jakarta, Manila, Chennai and Lucknow. He also published a paper related to his results about Hanoi case. As member of Water and Urban Initiative (WUI) project, he contributed to an integrated paper which combined results of water quality and flood risk assessment in the target cities of WUI project. He also was involved in final report of the WUI project entitled "Future Outlook of Urban Water Environment in Asian Cities: Summary for Decision Makers".
今後の研究の推進方策 |
For next period of Dr. Kefi (April 2018-August 2018), he will continue in the same direction as he planned previously but he will do some additional analysis related to people perception on flood damage. His will try to determine how people can be more involved in flood mitigations. During the future period, he will also focus on publishing more papers in peer-reviewed journals. He will continue to present and to share his findings about flood damages in international conferences.