研究課題/領域番号 |
研究機関 | 京都大学 |
研究代表者 |
Badenoch Nathan 京都大学, 東南アジア地域研究研究所, 准教授 (50599884)
研究分担者 |
大西 正幸 同志社大学, 研究開発推進機構, 研究員 (10299711)
金 善美 天理大学, 国際学部, 准教授 (20411069)
長田 俊樹 総合地球環境学研究所, 研究部, 名誉教授 (50260055)
稲垣 和也 京都大学, アジア研究教育ユニット, 特定助教 (50559648)
児玉 望 熊本大学, 文学部, 教授 (60225456)
千田 俊太郎 京都大学, 文学研究科, 准教授 (90464213)
研究期間 (年度) |
2016-04-01 – 2019-03-31
キーワード | 音象徴 / オノマトペ / expressives / 危険・少数言語 / 擬態語擬音語 |
研究実績の概要 |
The first year of activities was a productive start to the project. Communication among project members is smooth, individual research activities are advancing, and the larger theoretical issues are emerging through discussions with the project and in larger networks. At the first members meeting we established a common conceptualization of the project's guiding concepts, and mapped out a timeline for producing the final outputs. Intensive fieldwork was also conducted in Bit, Palaung and Munda languages. In December, the project leader attended an international symposium on ideophones, where the leaders in the field presented their work. As a result, the leader has made a panel proposal at the 2017 American Association of Anthropologists entitled "Sensory networks and the anthropological study of expressives". Furthermore, Badenoch and Osada presented on the work on expressives at the International Seminar on Munda Linguistics, in Pune, India. Members presented their work on expressives at other venues, such as Badenoch's invited talk at Payap University in Thailand. The project has also seen major progress in the production of expressive lexicons for Mundari and Bit. We have begun to pilot methods for elicitation of expressive semantics, with the help of our main Mundari and Bit informants. Through these methods we are gaining new insights into the multisensory networks of meaning that are performed in the use of expressives. Expenditures are on track. Plans for Year 2 are in place.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
The project is progressing as planned, without any major setbacks in this year. No setbacks are expected for the coming year. Publications plans are moving on schedule, and members are expected to do even more presentations, as our networks are expanding. The Southeast Asia activities have expanded unexpectedly, as access to field data has been easier than expected. The South Asia group has identified a publication of expanded scope. We anticipate that formal publications will be achieved in the next year of activities.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
Broadly speaking, in the second year, the project will continue with fieldwork in the Southeast and South Asian groups, and begin to pull together analysis into publication submissions. In the coming year, the group has planned a three-day meeting in Siem Reap, Cambodia, where progress reports will be given and researchers will provide feedback on data and analysis. There will also be a South Asia-specific meeting about publication plans. We plan to have drafts of the first two expressive lexicons (Munda and Bit) ready within the year, and possibly Bengali as well. If the AAA panel proposal is accepted, the project will have an opportunity to present its work at a major international academic gathering. Intensive fieldwork on Bit, Palaung and Mundari will continue. At the members meeting, the larger theoretical findings of the project will be elaborated for publication in the third year.