現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
In FY2017, we reported delays in this project because of difficulties accessing the field site (threat of piracy) and the lack of a renewed export license. However, in FY2018 we made up for lost ground. First, we received an export license that allowed us to transport samples back to our lab in Japan and continue working on them. Second, we involved a local Sabahan graduate student in the project, who was able to visit the field site twice to collect large numbers of samples and use new techniques to analyze them. Third, KUPRI graduate student Liesbeth Frias completed her DSc work on this project and received her degree, meaning that much of the previous data was analyzed and now published. We are thus back on track and continue to work on samples collected in this and other years.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
FY2019 will largely be dedicated to examining the parasitological material now in our lab at KUPRI, and developing the results for publication in international scientific journals and presentation at international conferences. The PI (Andrew MacIntosh) will present results at multiple conferences in FY2019, as well as return to Sabah to disseminate our results to local counterparts/institutions. We also aim to use our data to develop multidimensional networks involving parameters specific to both hosts and parasites, and use parasite material collected to create genetic linkages among parasites sharing the same set(s) of hosts. These results will go toward understanding the ecological networks in the study region and the potential influence of anthropogenic activities on them.