研究実績の概要 |
Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a worldwide spread disorder, becoming a public health issue due to the increase number of carriers of the mutation beta globin gene mutation. The red blood cells carrying the mutated globin protein are subjects to hemolysis which triggers inflammation and oxidative damages within organs. a couple of years ago , we have demonstrated that genetic and pharmacological induction of Nrf2 in SCD mice was crucial to improve SCD pathology. W surmised that some cells might be more responsive to the induction of Nrf2. To study the role of Nrf2 activation in specific cells, during year 2017, we performed experiments using SCD:Keap1 LysMcre mice (Nrf2 activation in myeloid cells). We assess the vascular integrity and liver function in those mice compared to SCD control mice In addition, we performed analysis of heme and iron. accumulation in mice 's organs. All the results were summarized in the manuscript that we submitted to Blood Advances journal for publication, the paper is now under review.
Regarding the correlation between NRF2 expression and clinical history of SCD patients in Congo, we passed the IRB recommendation and obtain the approval to conduct the experiments. The collection of saliva samples from SCD patients in Congo is ongoing.