研究実績の概要 |
We established an experimental coma-state mouse model by pharmocogenetic silencing of PB nucleus by means of Glu-Cl and ivermectine (IVM) system. Furthermore, stereotaxic microinjection of viral vectors of mutant muscarinic (DREADD) receptors resulted in restricted expression at the activation target (LC or vPAG). We show that pharmacogenetic exciting LC or vPAG neurons via hM3Dq by CNO did not produced arousal in a coma mice. To critically optogenetically activate LC or vPAG in freely behaving animals, the WT mice were microinjected with AAV-DIO-ChR2-mcherry and stereotaxically implanted with EEG recording electrodes. This approach also did not produce arousal in coma mouse. Therefore we are planning to stimulate both centers at the same time or to include activation of other.