研究実績の概要 |
The necessary materials have been acquired to conduct the high pressure, high temperature synthesis of water-rich and carbon-dioxide-rich glasses in the coming financial year. A preliminary test SIMS analysis of existing rhyolite glasses with independently known volatile contents revealed important issues to consider in future work. First, the best method for preparing sample surfaces for SIMS analysis was determined. Second, comparison of SIMS and FTIR data for the same glasses show increasing offset with the amount of water and, particularly, the amount of molecular water in the glass. Experimental conditions for future glass synthesis will be chosen to investigate this apparent trend, and to test the importance of water speciation of glass standards for SIMS calibration.
Concurrently, work continued using FTIR analysis to examine so-called 'silicate peaks' in transmission spectra and to evaluate how they vary with glass composition. A manuscript draft is being prepared on the use of the 1830 cm-1 silicate peak to find glass thickness and the potential for the ~1600 cm-1 silicate peak to interfere with the 1630 cm-1 H2Om peak, with implications for accuracy of H2O measurement by FTIR in the mid-IR range.