研究実績の概要 |
1. A musculoskeletal robot, with human leg representative muscles, was developed. I investigated the muscle activity and joint rotation of human hopping and generated a control sequence to actuate the robot. With this control, the robot realized hopping. 2. Stretch reflex and crossed limb response was investigated. Using the developed robot, the effect of the two kinds of control was evaluated. It was shown that the both peripheral controls can improve hopping stability.This research gave a new insight to other biologists. 3. A foot design, with the windlass mechanism, was proposed and tested on our robot in hopping. We confirmed that the windlass mechanism can improve the hopping performance.This research clarified the effect of the foot windlass mechanism in locomotion.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
As the original plan, the background knowledge should be investigated and the robot should be designed and developed in this year. A pair of novel robot feet, with the windlass mechanism, should be proposed and built.
Actually, all works mentioned above have been finished. The robot was designed and built. Hopping locomotion has been achieved. The novel robot feet, with the foot windlass mechanism was developed.This work was published in international conference IAS14 in Shanghai. Moreover, the peripheral control networks, including the stretch reflex and crossed inhibitory response, have been investigated. The findings will be presented in international symposium AMAM2017.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
1. Other human locomotion ability, such as walking and standing, will be investigated and achieved. First, human locomotion patterns will be investigated, Based on the findings, the control program will be made. With the control program, experiment will be implemented to test the walking/standing ability of the robot.
2. Realize the transformation between the different locomotion patterns on the robot. First, the changing of muscle activity and joint rotation will be investigated. Second, based on the findings, the robot design will be modified. After that, the control for locomotion transformation will be generated.Moreover, the proposed control will be tested on the robot