We documented degradation rates, drivers and possible counter measures taking case studies from three paired watersheds found in three echo-hydrological environments of the Upper Blue Nile Basin, northwest Ethiopia. Overall, the basin is experiencing a general trend both towards “more people more trees” and “more people more erosion” situations. In terms of land use, a general inverse relationship between gully density and area coverage of vegetation land use types was observed with the exception of Guder site. Moreover, the land khat crop in Aba Gerima could reduce runoff on average by 60% compared to land covered by annual crop (teff).
2: おおむね順調に進展している
The smooth implementation of the project was mainly due to good collaboration between the Principal Investigator and the counterpart institute in Ethiopia. This enabled to involve local MSc students to assist project activities.
We will continue studying runoff initiation mechanisms and relate this to causes of gully development in Guder site and the activity on understand hydrologic response under khat field in Aba Gerima site by making more observations and monitoring.
The budget carried over (left) from FY2018 is mainly as a result of cancelled international travel due to security related matters in Ethiopia. This has however not affected the project activities negatively thanks to the collaborators of Bahir Dar University.We will make use of this carried over money in this FY2019 to buy some satellite images and software to be used for the research.
すべて 2018 その他
すべて 国際共同研究 (1件) 雑誌論文 (2件) (うち国際共著 2件、 査読あり 2件) 学会発表 (1件) (うち国際学会 1件)
Atmospheric Research
巻: 212 ページ: 43-53
Modeling Earth Systems and Environment
巻: 4 ページ: 793-803