研究実績の概要 |
The research in 2016 focused on the nature of perceptual experience in general. It has long been held that we shadowed white areas as grey, partly on the basis of the fact that in order to paint a shadowed white area in a realistic picture, we must use grey paint. In an attempt to overturn this view, in this research it is proposed that perception involving the constancies involves visual ambiguity, much like famous duck/rabbit picture, except that there is no picture. In the duck/rabbit case, the picture is ambiguous, but in ordinary (non-pictorial) perception, the scene itself is ambiguous. This research was presented at a workshop on philosophy of mind jointly held be Rutgers University and Columbia University in New York in July 2016.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
Looking forward, my research will focus on the question of perceptual constancy within pictures, as a guide understanding the extent to which the experience of a particular picture is a perceptual or non-perceptual seeing of a picture, or whether this could be a way of understanding pictorial experience as a graded phenomenon, from more to less perceptual.