研究実績の概要 |
In the final year of the project, we continued to expand and refine our online medical English materials and pedagogic word list. Materials were extended to include self-study sections on treatment, and to date we have completed ten body-systems based units. An experimental course for second-year students was successfully planned and taught, indicating that students can cope with the content at an earlier stage of their studies than the third year. Work began on the creation of a glossary of terms designed for ease of use by medical students. Based on the course word list, the glossary focuses on morphology and the ways in which word parts and affixes combine to form complex medical terms. At the time of writing, we are working on completing the glossary and three further units. We hope to be able to publish the materials in the form of a textbook for undergraduate students in the near future.
During the year, we presented our findings at the JASMEE annual conference in Japan, and the BAAL International Conference in the UK. We also published several articles documenting the implementation and evaluation of our flipped learning courses and the development of our lexically-based materials and glossary of medical terms.