研究実績の概要 |
During the 2016-2017 academic year, I met with schools, coordinated the contents of the research, and gathered data from the participants. From April through August, I established relationships with the participating boards of education and principals, and received signed permission to carry out the research. I conducted the first round of motivation surveys, scanned the data, and confirmed the construct validity. In August, I attended the International Conference on Motivation in Thessaloniki, Greece to present preliminary research findings. From September through August, I received the second round of surveys on classroom climate, scanned the data, and integrated it with the larger data set. In March, I received the final surveys and achievement data, and have begun final processing. Data has shown acceptable levels of internal reliability and validity based on standard statistical tests. Teachers and administrators showed some concern over item wordings, and my co-author and I have worked with them to refine the surveys in order to create more acceptable instruments. These results and the research have been invited for publication in a forthcoming book on engagement and motivation in East Asian settings.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
Data has been collected according to the schedule set for the first year. Surveys and achievement data have been received from the participating schools. Analysis is currently underway, and preliminary results have largely confirmed the hypotheses of the research. Results for the current full year of data have been accepted for presentation at the 2017 Biennial EARLI Conference in Tampere, Finland. These results are currently being written up for publication in international journals. Results are also being returned to the participating schools and boards of education in order to disseminate results directly to administrators, teachers, parents, and students, as well as provide feedback for future educational improvements.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
Following the original plan, data collection with the target cohort of students will continue into the second year of the research. Data collection will follow the same schedule as the first year of data collection. New models are currently being generated in response to new questions generated by these results. Survey instruments will also be refined slightly to ensure validity and acceptability of the concepts based on feedback from the first year. Future models and research questions will help to demonstrate the applicability of the current theory to teaching and learning in Japanese secondary schools, as well as provide a model for how to develop intervention programs for schools. These results are aimed at international level conferences and published in well-known journals.
次年度使用額が生じた理由 |
In order to promote awareness of this research in global academic society, this work will need to be presented at conferences outside of Japan. Currently, many researchers in the United States and Europe still have many misconceptions about the nature of education in Japan. We hope to present our research in order to improve global understanding of the Japanese educational setting.