研究実績の概要 |
The slow rolling inflation is dual to the random walk of conformal zero-mode. The O(N) enhancement of the two point function of conformal mode < ω2 >: N is the e-folding number, suppresses the slow roll parameters by O(N). The distribution functionof conformal mode ρt(ω) satisfies the Fokker Planck equation. Under the Gaussian approximation, FP equation boils down to a solvable first order partial differential equation (GFP). The identical equation is obained by the thermodynamic arguments. We study two types of the solutions of GFP:(1) UV complete spacetime and (2) inflationary spacetime with power potentials. The concavity of entangled entropy ensures the potential for inflaton is also concave. The maximum entropy principle favors the scenario: The universe is (a) born with small e; and (b) grows large by inflation in the concave potentials. We predict 1-ns = 0.02(0.016) and r = 0.08(0.066) for N = 50(60) at the pivot angle 0.002Mpc-1. We propose a scenario to produce the curvature perturbation in the right ball park.