Focus of the research of the third year of this grant was to confirm the sequence of the vitellogenin receptor (VgR) and GATA regulatory factor to confirm the role of these factors in the uptake of the vitellogenin protein by the oocytes. Then to determine the effects of rapamycin injection on the expression of these genes. Results showed that the VgR receptor is expressed everyday from Day 1 to Day 16 after blood feeding. Expression of VgR was only observed in the midgut and ovary (organs related to nutrition and reproduction. Injection of ticks with rapamycin revealed that the VgR expression was decreased. Primers were also designed for the GATA gene based on the sequences of other arthropods. Results showed GATA is expressed in the ovary. Overall the results of this study indicate that the TOR nutrient signalling pathway regulates of the major genes involved in reproduction.
すべて 2019 2018
すべて 雑誌論文 (1件) (うち査読あり 1件) 学会発表 (3件)
Applied Entomology and Zoology
巻: In Press ページ: In Press