Purpose: Pro-inflammatory cytokines are known to modulate brain excitability. NLP family pyrin domain containing 3 (NLRP3) forms inflammasomes where precursor pro-IL-beta is cleaved into mature IL1-beta. Human NLRP3 polymorphisms are associated with susceptibility to various inflammatory diseases. To assess whether NLRP3 polymorphism confers increased susceptibility to acute encephalopathy with febrile status epileptics (AESD), we conducted case control studies. Methods: We recruited 103 Japanese AESD patients (52 males and 51 females; mean age, 23.0 months). Written informed consents were obtained from the patients' parents. We analyzed SNPs in NLRP3 by direct sequencing. We compared allelic frequency and genotype distribution of SNPs between AESD and controls including data in 1000GENOME project and HapMap-JPT. Results: We found a significant association of T allele at rs10802501 T> A in NLRP3 3'UTR with AESD (p=0.034). Genotype distribution was not significantly different between AESD and controls (p=0.089). None of the AESD patients had AA genotype. An odd ratio (TT versus TA+AA) of 2.09 (95%CI; 1.058-4.120, p= 0.031) was obtained. rs10802501 is present in the NLRP3 3'-UTR and could theoretically influence binding of microRNA, miR-223, which regulates NLRP3 gene expression. It is hypothesized that rs10802501 polymorphism may affect microglial IL-1beta secretion in AESD. Conclusion NLRP3 3'-UTR polymorphism may be involved in the pathogenesis of AESD.
2: おおむね順調に進展している
平成28年度に準備を行った培養細胞を用いる実験を行い、合わせて平成29年度の研究計画に沿ってin vivoの実験系を構築していく。培養実験の結果が当初予測されたものでない場合は、用いる培養細胞の変更など、条件の再検討を行う。また、急性脳症と鑑別が必要な重症熱性けいれんの検体収集を進め、サイトカイン関連遺伝子素因の違いを明らかすることで、新たなけいれん重積型急性脳症特有の神経興奮毒性関連の分子の同定を試みる。
すべて 2016
すべて 雑誌論文 (2件) (うち査読あり 2件) 学会発表 (3件)
J Neurol Sci
巻: 368 ページ: 272-276
Human Genetics
巻: 17 ページ: 369-369