研究実績の概要 |
In 2018, I completed two survey research. First, I completed a neighborhood survey in Shinchimachi that started in 2017 in which 500 samples were collected over one year. The survey focused on residents' community relations, media use, collective efficacy, and socio-psychological disaster recovery.
Second, I conducted a survey of 1000 samples in the wider area of Fukushima. In this online survey, I focused on people's use of new and old media in connecting to their community and in coping with post-disaster situations.
Regarding publications, I published an edited book about communication infrastructure in urban cities in August. The book was published by Peter Lang Publisher. I also wrote two papers based on the Shinchimachi data. One paper was presented at the National Communication Association Conference in Salt Lake City, USA in November. The other paper will be presented at the International Communication Association Convention in Washington D.C., USA in May, 2019. Both papers are currently under review by peer-review journals.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
In the academic year of 2019, I will finish the two neighborgood surveys I am currently conducting and start analyzing the data from September. I will present two papers based on the Shinchimachi and Fukushima survey data at the International Communication Association Annual Convention in May in Washington D.C., USA. Two journal articles submitted to peer-review journals will be revised. I will start a book project this year based on my last four years of research in Fukushima.
次年度使用額が生じた理由 |
I am conducting additional neighborhood surveys in Fukushima City and Kitakata in May and June, 2019 and thus needed my Kakenhi to be extended to 2019. Also, I am attending the International Communication Association Annual Convention on May 24-27, 2019 to present two papers based on my Kakenhi research.