研究実績の概要 |
今後の研究の推進方策 The following was carried out between April 2018 and March 2019: 1. 'Creating Connections 2018: Social and Emotional Support for Diverse Japan' was held on April 7, 2018. 2. Summaries of the papers presented at the ‘Creating Connections 2018: Social and Emotional Support for Diverse Japan' conference were published on the project website. 3. A survey instrument for investigating mental health provision and psychological crisis plans at the 27 Japan Council of International Schools member schools was developed, and ethical approval is currently being sought in order that informed consent agreement may be requested from student support staff (counselors, the school nurse and student support coordinator and relevant staff) at the participating schools.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
1. On June 8 and June 9, 2019 'Creating Connections 2019: Empowerment for Diverse Japan' will be held. 2. In June and July of 2019, a survey of school student support staff at the 27 Japan Council of International Schools member schools will be carried out. 3. In September 2019, interviews with school student support staff at five of the 27 Japan Council of International Schools member schools will be conducted. 4. In February 2020, a mini-symposium 'Multicultural Mental Health Mini-Symposium' will be held, and, 5. in March 2020, papers from the Creating Connections and Mini-symposium events will be published in the project's bulletin, 'Oasis: Bulletin of the Connections Forum'.