研究課題/領域番号 |
研究機関 | 北海道大学 |
研究代表者 |
コビル アリフ 北海道大学, 理学研究院, 特任助教 (10724867)
研究期間 (年度) |
2016-04-01 – 2018-03-31
キーワード | Microtubule / Mechanical deformation / Buckling / Compression stress / Elastic medium |
研究実績の概要 |
In the last year, in order to demonstrate compression stress induced mechanical deformation of microtubules in vitro, we have developed a computer controlled mechanical chamber system.The main component of the chamber system is a mechanical chamber equipped with DC motors, controller, and other electronic accessories. Using the mechanical chamber system, we have performed preliminary investigations on the response of microtubules to compression stress. We demonstrated compression test of microtubules in vitro by placing the microtubules on a soft elastomeric material PDMS. Kinesin was used an an anchor to fix the microtubules to the PDMS. The PDMS served here as an elastic medium similar to the environment of microtubules in cell, where cytoplasm serves as an elastic medium. Upon application of compression stress to the microtubules using the mechanical chamber buckling of microtubules, akin to that observed in cell has been reproduced in laboratory. Role of interaction of microtubules with surrounding elastic medium has also been investigated with the help of computer simulation, and compared with the experimental results. From our investigations, it has been revealed that extent of interaction of microtubules with the surrounding elastic medium strongly influences the buckling mode and extent of buckling of microtubules. In addition, strain has a significant role, but strain rate has no influence on the buckling of microtubules.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
So far progress of the project has been satisfactory in the last year. According to our proposed plan, we have developed a computer controlled mechanical chamber system. Performance of the chamber system has been authenticated by demonstrating compression stress induced mechanical deformation of microtubules in vitro. The deformation closely mimicked the deformation mode of microtubules in cell. Therefore, the challenges for the first year were successfully overcome and the targets have been mostly achieved.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
In the next year, detail investigation on the compression stress induced mechanical deformation of microtubules will be carried out. Effect of an elastic medium around microtubules and interaction mode of microtubules with the medium on the deformation of microtubules will be vividly investigated. In addition, role of microtubule associated protein kinesin, strain, etc. in the deformation of microtubules will be thoroughly investigated and compared with the deformation of microtubules in cells.
次年度使用額が生じた理由 |
In the last year the project has been partially implemented. In the current year the aim is to complete the project as was proposed. So a considerable amount of work has to be done in this year, for which it would be required to purchase many materials.
次年度使用額の使用計画 |
The mechanical chamber system has already been developed in the last year. So in the current year mainly it might be required to purchase various chemicals and reagents for performing experiments. So the plan is to consume the budget for mainly purchase of the required chemicals and reagent materials.