研究実績の概要 |
The proposed international collaboration for FY2017 was carried out with two collaborators: 1) Dr. Mattig in Germany (spring term) and 2) Dr. Garant in China (fall term). FY2017 concludes the collaboration with China, following the proposal, to allow for time to conduct the other international collaborations (Germany and Indonesia), and to write and present the project’s findings in international venues. The international classroom collaboration research proceeded according to the following steps that were basically outlined in the proposal: 1) Teams of three or four students were formed in each classroom. 2) Teams decided how to communicate using online tools (e.g., email, Facebook, MSN messenger, Skype, Google Hangouts, etc.). 3) Students engaged in cross-cultural communication (i.e., interviews) to pursue research questions about indigenous psychological concepts. 4) Students used academic English to brainstorm and explain indigenous psychological concepts, some of which were not easily translated into English. For example, in the case of Japanese: honne/tatemae, amae, aimai, giri/on. 5) Students discussed English translations and brainstormed examples. 6) Finally, students made presentations to their local class or wrote essays about their experiences. Results of the international classroom research collaboration with the Chinese were presented at international conferences in Hong Kong in May/June and Indonesia in July. Results of the collaboration with the Germans were presented at an international workshop at Kyoto University in March.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
The online intercultural exchange with my collaborator in China is finished as it was proposed with two different groups of students for two semesters. One exchange is finished with my collaborator in Germany and the second round of exchanges with Germany is currently underway, while the first round of exchanges with Indonesia is now being planned (FY2018, spring semester). An international symposium is planned for August of FY2018 for two exchange leaders (i.e., Dr. Mattig and Dr. Widiyanto) to share experiences.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
In FY2018, the international classroom collaboration project will continue to proceed according to schedule with the second German/Japanese group collaboration. In addition, the first (and possibly second) Indonesian/Japanese group will collaborate this year according to the following steps that were basically listed in the research proposal: 1) Teams of three or four students will be formed in each classroom and they will decide individual roles (e.g., team leaders). 2) Teams will decide how to communicate using online tools (e.g., email, Facebook, MSN messenger, Skype, Google Hangouts, etc.). 3) Students will engage in cross-cultural communication (i.e., interviews) to pursue research questions about indigenous psychological concepts. 4) Students will use academic English to brainstorm and explain indigenous psychological concepts, some of which are not easy to translate into English. For example, in the case of Japanese: honne/tatemae, amae, aimai, giri/on. 5) Students will discuss English translations and brainstorm examples. 6) Finally, students will make presentations to their local class or write essays about their experiences.