研究課題/領域番号 |
研究機関 | 早稲田大学 |
研究代表者 |
林 真樹子 早稲田大学, 国際学術院(アジア太平洋研究センター), 助手 (20772221)
研究期間 (年度) |
2016-04-01 – 2019-03-31
キーワード | inclusive education / learning outputs / cognitive skills / non-cognitive skills / public primary school |
研究実績の概要 |
This study is aiming to undertake an empirical investigation to explain the distribution and dynamics of social, emotional and cognitive skills through inclusive education from the sociological perspectives of non-disabled pupils learning together with disabled peers in Cambodia. Firstly, qualitative field research in Cambodia has been conducted along with a thorough literature review on the interdependent relationships between cognitive, social and emotional skills. Furthermore, the investigator has spent much time and effort to design and prepare survey questionnaires targeting pupils without visual and hearing impairments. The conducted research at the field level in Cambodia has targeted one public primary school managing inclusive education for those pupils with visual and hearing impairments starting grade 3 after receiving special education schooling in a special school managed by a local NGO. This part of the field study was extremely successful in obtaining relevant quantitative and qualitative data. To be more specific, intensive field research in this particular public primary school consisted of individual interviews with a group of grade 3 and grade 4 pupils, those having experience with visually impaired pupils since grade 3 and those who have had no experience in grade 3 but are spending classes with the visually impaired pupils for their first time in grade 4 to allow room for comparative analysis. Moreover, the investigator has obtained quantitative class grade records for these pupils interviewed to compare their cognitive skills and non-cognitive skills.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
Overall, this research study is on its progress rather smoothly with minor slight delays. The main reason as to why the investigator is facing a slight delay in pursuing the research study as initially planned is due to the fact that she has received two other research funds for other research projects ending in one fiscal year. As such, the investigator has initiated preparations of this particular research study in the latter half of the fiscal year including all official coordination with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the Kingdom of Cambodia and all necessary formal administrative work to be processed and completed with all counterparts and stakeholders involved in the Cambodian side. This administrative work with the government of Cambodia and relevant counterparts has taken much time as scheduled. This has also caused a slight delay than expected in the actual start-up of the investigator's field research to be conducted in the country.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
The primary work of the investigator in this second fiscal year of the research study will consist of the following contents. First, the investigator currently already is initiating data input and audio typing of all obtained research data both quantitative and qualitative ones. This part of the analysis preparation will be completed by July or earlier with the support of research assistants planned to be recruited starting June. After this stage is duly completed, the investigator will use the next two months or so to conduct all analyses needed both quantitatively and qualitatively in order to produce short research reports of this first part of the in-depth analysis. And next, the latter part of this fiscal part will be utilized to continue with writing short research and policy reports as well as preparation of the second field research to be conducted in March 2019 in Cambodia to follow the grade 3 and 4 pupils from the previous academic year who have turned to grade 4 and 5 in the academic year 2019. Moreover, the investigator will conduct monthly qualitative survey questionnaire with these group of students through research assistance and cooperation provided by one of the research assistants supporting this study in Cambodia.
次年度使用額が生じた理由 |
The main reason as to why this incurring amount remains is due to the fact that the investigator has not been able to visit the field country two times as planned in the initial research plan. This original plan was not pursued as schedule since the investigator has received two additional research grants needed to be conducted in the course of the same one fiscal year without following years for continued research. As such, the investigator was only able to conduct the field research in Cambodia in the very latter part of the fiscal year since all necessary administrative processes and agreements with the Cambodia's Ministry of Education were completed in the period of February 2018.
次年度使用額の使用計画 |
Given the above reason, the investigator plans to conduct this research study intensively in this new fiscal year mainly concentrating in conducting field research in Cambodia. This will be very much feasible since the investigator has no additional research grants received for this fiscal year. Moreover, with the assistance from one of the research assistants in Cambodia, the investigator will continue qualitative research to obtain survey questionnaire data from pupils on a monthly basis in order to follow and track any changes which occur continuously and to observe those ongoing developments. This will be conducted starting the month of June allowing much room for a much further in-depth qualitative analysis of the pupils to be tracked from grade 3 onwards to grade 6 eventually.