研究実績の概要 |
In this final year, I continued to identify the Na-binding molecules from eel mucus and have purified some Na-binding fractions using various chromatography methods. The fractions showed that the Na-binding molecules are small in molecular size and relatively hydrophilic. I used MS/MS to analyze the protein/peptide composition in fraction but no consistent peptides could be identified. The Na-bindning molecules could be carbohydrate-base molecules where current database is limited to characterize them directly. I characterized different types of mucus cells with novel stainings and markers, which showed that eel produces different types of mucus that are immiscible to form different layers. The compartmentation in mucus is important to the Na-binding phenomenon as the bound Na can be isolated in a separate compartment. This compartmentation could be also important as bound Na is found in separate compartment in human muscle and skin, which correlate with hypertension. I continued to investigate the molecules after the grant period, and to conrtribute to the hypertension treatment in human. I presented the results in domestic and international conferences and prepared original manuscripts.