すべて 2008 2007 2006 2005 2000 0
すべて 雑誌論文 (73件) (うち査読あり 29件) 学会発表 (45件) 図書 (7件)
Industrial Relations Vol.47(in press)
Canadian Journal of Economics 41(4)(in press)
Journal of Population Economics Vol.21(in press)
Economics of Education Review 27(2)
ページ: 184-196
Journal of Policy Modeling 31(1)
ページ: 19-32
Ageing in Southeast and East Asia-Family, Social Protection and Policy Challenges, edited by Lee Hock Guan, Institute of Advanced Studies, Singapore
ページ: 1-21
日本統計学会誌(シリーズJ) 38(1)(in press)
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (in press)
Journal of Time Series Analysis Vol. 28(in press)
経済研究 59(2)
ページ: 126-138
Industrial Relations (in press)
Canadian Journal of Economics (in press)
Journal of Population Economics (in press)
Economics of Education Review 27-2
Journal of Policy Modeling 31-1
Institute of Advanced Studies, Singapore
Journal of the Japan Statistical Society(J Series) (in press)
Journal of Time Series Analysis (in press)
Keizai, Kenkyu (in press)
Econometric Reviews 26(6)
ページ: 705-739
Industrial and Labor Relations Review 61(1)
ページ: 55-72
International Journal of Industrial Organization 25(3)
ページ: 441-460
Contemporary Economic Policy 25(1)
ページ: 107-118
ESP 426
ページ: 24-27
The Japanese Economy 34(4)
ページ: 76-122
経済研究 58(1)
ページ: 31-46
Japanese Economic Review 88(1)
ページ: 71-106
Journal of the Japan Statistical Society 37(2)
ページ: 191-205
Journal of Time Series Analysis 28(4)
ページ: 471-627
Hiroshima Economic Review 31(1)
ページ: 21-34
Communications in Statistics, Theory and Methods 36
ページ: 981-1003
Econometric Reviews 26-6
Industrial and Labor Relations Review 61-1
International Journal of Industrial Organization 25-3
Contemporary Economic Policy 25-1
ESP No.426
The Japanese Economy 34-4
Keizai Kenkyu 58-1
Japanese Economic Review 88-1
Journal of the Japan Statistical Society 37-2
Journal of Time Series Analysis 28-4
Hiroshima Economic Review 31-1
Japan's Great Stagnation, edited by M. H. Hutchison and F. Westermann, MIT Press
ページ: 158-181
Economic Journal Vol.116, No.513
ページ: 812-842
Monetary Policy with Very Low Inflation in the Pacific Rim, edited by Takatoshi Ito and Andrew Rose, The University of Chicago Press
ページ: 124-128
Industrial Relations 54(3)
ページ: 469-477
Japanese Economic Review 57(1)
ページ: 69-86
日本労働研究雑誌 551
ページ: 6-16
リスクと保険(日本アクチュアリー会), 2006年度 2(1)
ページ: 21-40
Journal of Time Series Analysis 27(5)
ページ: 703-723
日本統計学会雑誌 35(2)
ページ: 81-101
MIT Press
ページ: 157-181
Economic Journal 116-513
Industrial Relations 54-3
Japanese Economic Review 57-1
Nihon Roudou kenkyu Zassi No.551
Japanese Journal of Risk and Insurance 2-1
Journal of the Japan Statistical Society(J Series) 35-2
Applied Financial Economics Letters Vol.1
ページ: 19-23
Topics in Economic Analysis and Policy 9(1)
ページ: Article 9
Econometric Theory 21(4)
ページ: 870-875
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 67(2)
ページ: 181-206
Econometric Theory 21(2)
ページ: 299-325
Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics 46(2)
ページ: 159-175
Topics in Economic Analysis and Policy 9
ページ: 9-1
Econometric Theory 21-4
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 67-2
Econometric Theory 21-2
Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics 46-2