研究実績の概要 |
The main achievement of my research was my broad and active research engagement in addressing emergent societal problems jointly with local and international research and civil society organizations. I contributed to the Bertelsmann Foundation’s global report of democratization and transition as an independent country expert, wrote a country-specific and regional analysis for the UNESCO’s ground-breaking report on Education for Sustainable Development in Asia, and reviewed UNDP’s sourcebook on mining and sustainable development. I published a policy-research paper in collaboration with Natural Resources Governance Institute (NRGI) and presented the research findings at national forums in Mongolia. In collaboration with colleagues at Sustainable Minerals Institute in Australia, I submitted a full research article to an A-rank international journal. Another shorter article written with a researcher in UK was submitted to the journal Land. The progress of the collaborative research on artisanal mining in Mongolia with the Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (AIST) and University of Queensland was presented at Japan Oil, Gas, Metals and Energy Corporation (JOGMEC) and the Ministry of Environment. I disseminated the results of my research through sector-specific media channels such as Mongolian Journal of Mining, Asian Mining and Bloomberg TV. Lastly, in collaboration Mongolian researchers and relevant organizations, I have begun an extensive survey of social impacts of large-scale coal mining and coal transportation in Mongolia’s southern Gobi-desert region.