研究実績の概要 |
高強度マグネシウム合金の研究として,国内・国際会議にて口頭発表を計19件行った.そのうち,論文2編,国際会議論文3編,国際会議での基調講演1件,招待講演3件,海外大学での講義1件であった.以下に,研究実績の一例を示す. ・H. Miura, K. Minami, T. Aoba, M. Kobayashi and J. J. Jonas, Microstructure and mechanical properties of AZ80Mg plates fabricated by combined multi-directional forging and warm extrusion, The 4th International Workshop on Fundamental Research for Science and Technology 2018 (GEMS2018), 28-29 August, 2018, Centre Point Hotel Silom, Bangkok, Thailand.(基調講演) ・H. Miura , K. Minami, T. Aoba, M. Kobayashi, Microstructure and mechanical properties of plates warm extruded AZ80Mg alloy fabricated by MDF in advance, The 17th International Conference on Metal Forming, (Metal Forming 2018), September 16-19 2018, Toyohashi, Japan, Procedia Manufacturing 15 (2018) 1533-1540.