研究実績の概要 |
While further developing the pipeline for the direct estimator of intrinsic galaxy alignments, we needed to carefully double-check the test results from our pipeline with results published in the literature. In order to make this comparison fully quantitative, we additionally developed a Bayesian framework for assessing the consistency of (correlated) datasets (such as used in weak lensing and intrinsic alignment studies). These results led to a fully peer-reviewed publication within this project. Moreover, it turned out that the current overlap of the SDSS MegaZ-LRG sample with the weak lensing data from the first-year data release from HSC (the S16A campaign) is insufficient for a direct measurement of intrinsic alignment signals with high statistical significance. Therefore and while eagerly waiting for the next internal release of a weak lensing catalog from HSC (based on the S18A campaign), we contributed to a complementary cosmic shear measurement on the first-year HSC weak lensing catalog. Based on our publicly available likelihood pipeline the inference of cosmological parameters from the cosmic shear measurement also yield an indirect measurement of the intrinsic galaxy alignments (as a nuisance to be marginalized over). This led to another fully peer-reviewed but co-authored publication within this project.