研究実績の概要 |
The research objectives are to elucidate, in organic semiconductors, their photophysical behaviors and to understand structure-property relations. In H29, the current research aims to synthesize and investigate optical properties of organic-based self-assemblies. The detailed research accomplishments follow below: 1) Photophysics in metal-organic frameworks (MOFs). Utilizing MOF structure composed of pyrene organic molecule and ferrocene, photoinduced electron transfer dynamics show that, contrasting to the expectation from the knowledge from ensemble system in solution-phase, high internal reorganization energy is determined. This is identified mainly due to solid-state configurations. 2) Synthesis of polymer-aggregates (PAs) PA structures with modulated aggregation-size have been synthesized, and large-size polymer aggregates (diameter>1 micron) show optical property of more J-like aggregates, whereas nanometer-sized PAs show that of more H-like aggregates. So it showed that the solid-state structure is related to the optical properties.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
1: 当初の計画以上に進展している
In addition to the initial proposal for photophysics in organic-aggregates, the researcher extended to investigate photophysics in metal-organic frameworks through the research collaboration with a research group at USA. This collaboration can offer more systematics structural modulation for condensed-phase organic materials, which already results in a production of one research publication at Journal of the American Chemical Society. The original research plan that aims to develop polymer-based self-assemblies is also progressing as the plan.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
In H30, the researcher is aiming to probe photophysics of conjugated polymer-based self-assemblies, as the original plan. In addition, following to the additional accomplishments in H29 in photophysics in metal-organic framesworks, the researcher is pursuing to investigate how the intermolecular configuration can modulate the photophysical dynamics. This additional research goal overlaps well with the original research plan for elucidating the excited-state dynamics modulated by the structural origin.