研究実績の概要 |
(1)Land use maps were classified based on supervised maximum likelihood classification approach. It can help to understand the historical and current situation of land use change and further to clarify urban expansion mechanism. The results indicated that urban expansion rapidly increased. (2)Field work was conducted for both data collection and accuracy assessment. The obtained physical and socioeconomic data will be used for scenario modeling. The data were collected from Statistical Bureau, Statistical Yearbook, and Urban Planning Hall. These can help to understand and familiar with the landscape, economic development of the city and obtain more accurate information about dynamics of land use change. Also, some geographical data were obtained from DIVA-GIS. (3)Urban landscape pattern (e.g., urban built-up; rural built-up) also has been analyzed for the further analysis based on the classification results. This can help to distinguish different levels of urban land areas based on their neighborhood rules. The result indicated that urban built-up area became the major type, which indicated that urban land areas became dense. Consequently, more environmental issues also be affected due to the increase of urban built-up areas. More especially, the reduction of urban green is not good for urban sustainability or urban ecosystem services. (4)Agricultural land loss has been examined and most of the agricultural land were replaced by urban land. It can be noted that the provisioning services (e.g., food production) have been threatened and affected food security.