研究実績の概要 |
In the third year of the research project results from the classroom studies carried out in FY 2017 and FY 2018 were critically evaluated based on participants’ feedback as well as the results of an online survey carried out in FY 2018 with German as a foreign language learners all over Japan. As far as the project’s participants’ feedback is concerned, more time was allocated to pre- and post-task activities allowing learners to become more familiar with the structures they are supposed to use online as well as to get more opportunities to reflect on the appropriateness of their posts and comments after task completion. As was revealed in the online survey, learners’ main incentive of using social media for L2 learning lies in the opportunity to maintain or to establish friendships to L2 German speakers. Since the blended-learning approach developed within this project was confined to communication among classmates and the teachers only, it was modified in such a way as to allow participants more freedom in fulfilling their tasks. The projects’ results were presented at national and international language conferences and discussed with fellow colleagues working in the same field of research. In order to allow other German teachers in Japan to profit from the blended-learning approach and the materials developed within this project, research results were prepared in such a way to be published in different academic journals.