研究実績の概要 |
The overall purpose of this research has been to develop a set of tools in the form of pronunciation practicing guides to help Japanese students in medicine and allied disciplines minimize interference from their mother tongue and acquire the ability to pronounce commonly used and advanced medical terms intelligibly. Toward the above goals, the project was planned to be conducted in three phases spread over fiscal years 2017, 2018 and 2019, respectively. In FY2017, a level one guide, named medical pronunciation practice guide 1 (MPPG1), was developed. In FY2018, the MPPG1 was tested for its effectiveness on nursing and medical technology freshmen enrolled in a medical English course at the host institution. The results found MPPG1 to be highly effective in achieving the study's objectives. Based on the data, a second level guide, named MPPG2, was developed and in FY2019 was tested on nursing and medical technology sophomores enrolled in an upper level medical English course also at the host institution . The data collection for phase 3 was completed at the end of FY2019 and the analysis of the results is now pending.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
This research has proceeded smoothly right from the beginning. Furthermore, as also outlined in the previous year's report, the project has been an immensely rewarding experience and a source of satisfaction for the principal investigator. Especially enlightening has been the realization by students themselves of the need to attain intelligibility in communication when using English language in the context of their profession. These and other aspects of the study will be further elaborated in future publications based on the work.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
Since the data collection for phase 3 of the project was not completed until the very end of the fiscal year 2019, there was no time to analyze the data obtained and to document the project. Hence an extension of the research period was requested and approved. Accordingly, in fiscal year 2020, the plan has been to conduct a comprehensive analysis and interpretation of the data, and based on it prepare a scientific manuscript for publication. Thus far, however, these efforts has been hampered by the impact of coronavirus and the fact that the principal investigator moved to a different institution from the start of fiscal year 2020. Nevertheless, it is hoped that the situation will improve in due course and it will be possible to work on the project more vigorously.