研究実績の概要 |
The system is used by various instructors and researchers and we improved the usability, ease-of-use and requested features to accomodate the requirement of learners. Mainly, we make the system adaptable to the usage history, fine-tuned on the learners needs and knowledge, and improved learner autonomy. We submitted two manuscripts to top-rank international CALL conferences, accepted for oral presentation. M. S. Mirzaei, K. Meshgi, “Learner Adaptive Partial and Synchronized Caption for L2 Listening Skill Development,” in Proc. of EuroCALL’19, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, Aug 2019. M. S. Mirzaei, K. Meshgi, “Toward Adaptive Partial and Synchronized Caption to Facilitate L2 Listening,” in Proc. of FLEAT VII, Tokyo, Japan, Aug 2019.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
We are strictly following the predicted timeline, and have no difficulty pursuing it. The personalization and adaptation part of the proposed system is now implemented in the system according to the plan. The budget would be used to register to EuroCALL and FLEAT conferences for the accepted papers, and to present the achievements of this project to the CALL community.We also plan to publish a journal article on the whole system in a top-tier journal.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
As planned, the final steps of the study entail more learner personalization, machine learning incorporation, system content generation, online system release, and different experiments including eye-tracking tests, longitudinal test, and collaborate with more teachers and researchers. This round of research requires new equipment, buy online domain and storage for the system to improve its visibility, and to outsource the software to a 3rd party software firm to develop the system in a user-friendly and stable manner.