研究実績の概要 |
This study explored students' speaking attitudes during their study abroad (SA). Results were delayed due to Covid-19, but we completed most of our analysis. With Yashima, I published a book chapter that focused on two students in Taiwan. Results indicated that, rather than striving for ideal future multilingual selves, participants had actual multilingual selves in response to their immediate SA needs. With Aubrey and King, I submit a paper to the journal "System." It needs to go through the blind peer review stage. Results indicated that participants struggled initially with spontaneous conversations and incomprehension, but their sensitivity to interlocutors became the strongest influence as proficiency improved. During SA, they tended to have a high speaking capacity with other L2 English speakers but struggled with local anglophones. After SA, they preferred speaking to international students (including L1 English users) in social rather than classroom contexts.