研究実績の概要 |
査読付き論文の掲載が次に示すように1件と掲載予定が1件ある.「Modulating the concentrations of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species and oxygen in water with helium and argon gas and plasma jets」Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 58(SA):SAAB01 (2019).「Tailoring the Chemistry of Plasma Activated Water using a DC-Pulsed Driven Non-Thermal Atmospheric-Pressure Helium Plasma Jet」Plasma (2019 ).他,国際会議での研究成果発表が6件うち招待講演が2件あった.国際会議招待講演 Development of VUV absorption spectroscopy for quantitative analysis of plasma activated water,SPM-6 and Mini SPM-5,Gdansk, Poland. and Long-term Investigation of Radical-activated Water, Joint International Conference on ICMAP2018, APCPST2018, and ISPB2018, Song-do, Korea. 国内会議での研究成果発表が10件うち招待講演が2件あった..