The presence of microbial life within the microdolomite samples was confirmed through mRNA analyses. We found that Bacteriodetes which break down oils are the predominant form of life inside of the microdolomites. This is quite different from anaerobic methane oxidizing Archea and sulfate reducing bacteria which have been found to be predominant in the outer surfaces of gas hydrate in shallow sediments, and our work shows that the environment which hosts within the hydrate is quite distinct, presumably due to the absence of sulfate and the high chloride content within methane hydrate inclusions. We also carried out nanoSIMS analyses to characterize the organic matter inside of the microdolomites which will be the focus of ongoing research.
すべて 2020 2019 その他
すべて 国際共同研究 (1件) 雑誌論文 (3件) (うち国際共著 3件、 査読あり 3件、 オープンアクセス 2件) 学会発表 (2件) (うち国際学会 2件、 招待講演 1件) 備考 (1件)
Chemical Geology
巻: 535 ページ: 119462
Scientific Reports
巻: 10 ページ: 1-13
Earth and Planetary Science Letters
巻: 512 ページ: 207-213