During the third year of the proposal a further substantial progress was achieved which leads to the successful finalizing of the whole project. The experimental results obtained during reported period clearly confirm that developed CPPI platform could guide to solution of outstanding problems in astrophysics and ICF, when instabilities and compression of the matter have of central importance:For the first time the CPPI scheme was tested at SACLA BL3 for imaging the dynamics of plasma instabilities and shock waves induced in the targets by high-power optical laser. Radiography with spatial resolution of 0.8 microns in the field of view of few square cm was shown. The spatial resolution achieved is two times better compare to the value of 2-3 microns which was considered as a goal of the project.The evolution of RTI in targets with Atwood number of ~ 0.8-0.9 was measured up to the late stage of energy dissipation. A high quality radiographic images showed the features of the mixing and turbulence phases which have not been yet demonstrated with other imaging schemes.For the first time a mutual dynamic in formation and propagation of plastic and elastic shock fronts in diamond and CH foils until the late time of energy dissipation was observed and evaluated.The application of the CPPI scheme was further extended for SAXS diagnostics with focused XFEL beam; for the first time the precise control of micro-rod assembly targets quality and alignment was done by means of measuring sub-micron structures in diffraction maxima.
すべて 2020 2019 その他
すべて 国際共同研究 (4件) 雑誌論文 (3件) (うち国際共著 3件、 査読あり 3件) 学会発表 (10件) (うち国際学会 10件、 招待講演 2件)
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation
巻: 27(3) ページ: 27_1-8
Review of Scientific Instruments
巻: 90 ページ: 063702_1-7
Proceedings Volume 11035, Optics Damage and Materials Processing by EUV/X-ray Radiation VII
巻: 11035 ページ: 11035N_1-11