研究実績の概要 |
-Achievements: In this fiscal year, three major achievements have been accomplished: 1) Participation of an international conference on China-Japan relations that is jointly organized by the Waseda Institute of Contemporay Chinese Studies and Fudan University in Shanghai. During the conference , I gave a presentation related to China-Japan relations, particularly in the context of US-Japan-China relations and new Trump administration since 2017. Chinese scholars from Fudan University gave an insightful perspective on how Chinese side view Japan and US-Japan relations in East Asia and South China Sea in recent years. 2) Accomplishment of translation and proofreading of my articles and book related to China-Japan relations. 3) One article related to China-Japan relations was accepted to publish in China in 2019.
-Unexpected Obstacles: I have originally scheduled to visit mainland or Hong Kong around February 2020. The purpose of the research trip is to conduct the final round of data collection and plan to negotiate with possible publishers. However, due to the unexpected outbreak of Covid-19 in early 2020, the research trip has to be canceled urgently due to the consideration of individual security.