研究実績の概要 |
Two papers were published during the reporting period, -Espada et al. 2017,ApJ 843, 136. Using ALMA data we revealed that the circumnuclear disk is composed of an inner molecular ring, nuclear shocks, and we imaged the interface between CO and the warm H2.-McCoy et al. 2017,ApJ 851, 76M. We study the chemical and physical properties of the circumnuclear disk. Three oral contributions showing work related to this KAKENHI program were performed in 2017: 1) International conference "Role of Gas in Galaxy Dynamics", Malta, Oct 2-6, 2) ASJ meeting 11- 13 Sept, Sapporo. 3) East Asia AGN workshop 4 Dec, Kagoshima. Another related work on a similar elliptical galaxy hosting a radio source, NGC3557 (Vila-Vilaro, Espada, et al.), was submitted to ApJ and we are waiting response from the referee.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
The ALMA dataset was reduced and analyzed as expected. The data quality was found to be excellent. The publication that we had planned for this financial year was finally published (Espada et al. 2017,ApJ 843, 136). In addition, we have published an additional work related to this KAKENHI program (McCoy et al. 2017,ApJ 851, 76M). Also, as expected these works have been presented in both international and domestic conferences and workshops.